Octarine Logo

Take back control of your writing

Empower your productivity with a minimalistic design: WYSIWYG editing, markdown output, and full file ownership in one app.

A demo of Octarine

Loved by countless folks everywhere

(no seriously, Octarine doesn’t track you, so can’t keep count!)

Multiple Workspaces

Personal, Work or Project specific!

Linking Notes

Make connections between [[notes]], and create a web of knowledge.

Daily Desk
Each day deserves a fresh start.
Quickly access your regularly used notes.
Create boilerplate, insert using one key. Save time!
Keyboard First
Do just about everything using only your keyboard.

Unified Command Bar

Do virtually every action without taking your hands off the keyboard.

Private and Yours
All notes and data are stored locally on your device. Yours truly.
Weighing in at just 6MB, it’s lighter than most PDFs.

Instant Text Search

Find what you need instantly, with the blazing fast full-text search.

Drag and Drop Attachments

No longer do you need to worry about markdown syntax or file paths. Just drag and drop your images/videos/gifs.

So what are you waiting for?